Uncovering the Long Lost American Sailor Moon [Kotaku]
April Fools Day 2019 [Kotaku]
Editorial Illustration
Select work from both my freelance career, as well as my time as an in-house illustrator at Gizmodo Media. Wider selection of work can be seen on behance!
Book Review: The Sport of Kings [Harvard Divinity Bulletin]
Chill Week: How Various Cultures Chilled Throughout History [Atlas Obscura]
A History of Iridescence [Jezebel]
Do Animals Practice Revenge? [Gizmodo]
Trading Video Games for Fatherhood [Fatherly]
Remembering Rahmbamarama, the Obama Era's Most Zealous Fan Community [Jezebel]
What to do if You See a Ghost [Lifehacker]
What Happens to Your Online Life When You Die? [Lifehacker]
What Happens to Your Online Life When You Die? [Lifehacker]
Metal Gear: A Retrospective [Kotaku]
Turning on a Shady YouTube Guru [Gizmodo]
Turning on a Shady YouTube Guru [Gizmodo]
Once There Were Wolves: Book Review [New York Times]
The Making of Nintendo’s Best Nose-Picking Game [Kotaku]
The Search for the Olympian Gene [Gizmodo]
What to do your first time at a Sex Club [Lifehacker]
Welcome Back to the Office. Isn’t this fun? [New York Times]
My Dog’s Journey With Reiki [Jezebel]
Why are Pets Left Behind in Natural Disasters? [Gizmodo]